Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a Great Honor

I was checking my email and opend one form The Rose bridge and went to all the links to read about the new look on the site, and all the featured sites . Much to my surprise I am one of the freatured sites..On "Get The Look" I am honored and shocked to say the least... Please go and check it out.. It is raining here today and looks more like fall today then most days so far. My pecans have been falling on a steady basis... Pecan Pies for Thanksgiving.. Yippy... Have a great day...


Sondra Behne' said...

Hello Sheila

Oh I am so happy for you...that is great. Boy, in todays world, we sure can all use those nice little things popping up once in awhile. I find so many nice things on your site and others, but in these hard times it is so hard to spluge on my self. I will though real soon, I think I deserve a little pick me up. Take care, I'll be checking in on you often.

Kathy-Catnip Studio said...

Congrats! :-) You've been tagged; visit my blog for details!